Meet Our Sponsored Divers


Libby Mitson

I am 15 years old and a diver at the City of Leeds Diving club. 

I've always loved sport. I started gymnastics at the age of 2, and by 8 I was on the Women’s Artistic Yorkshire Squad, competing all around the UK. At 10 years old I was selected for a fast track diving scheme through a talent development programme, despite the fact that I couldn't even swim! I went on to do both sports for a while, however, being chosen for the Dive England Talent Pathway meant I chose to focus on diving.

My favourite skill has to be a handstand somersault piked (612B) off the 10 metre platform.

The ultimate goal for me is to be the best I can at my sport by pushing myself, being determined and always working hard. 

Fun Facts:

My biggest pet peeve is definitely when people chew really loudly! 

Surprisingly, I am actually really bad at ice skating - I spend most of the time in the rink either complaining about how cold it is, or sat on the ice unable to stand up.

Something that some people might think is controversial about me, is that my favourite chocolate bar is a Bounty!

In my spare time - when I'm not training, diving or at school - I coach Women's Artistic at Utopia Gymnastics.

My most memorable travel experience with diving is when I attended a Junior Elite Divers Training Camp in Croatia for a week. It was an incredible experience with lots of hard work and nice weather.

If I won the lottery, I would probably save most of it for when I'm older, however, a huge holiday in summer also sounds great!

Although my taste in food varies quite often, recently I have been missing my Nandos order of a medium grilled chicken burger with peri salted chips. So, if i could only live off one meal for the rest of my life it would have to be this!

My most frequently used emoji is the cat laughing with tears: 😹

Clare Cran

City of Sheffield Diving Club/Shamrock Diving Club/ National Centre Dublin 

I am 27 years old

Full time training - returning to university for Masters in Physiotherapy 


- What got you into the sport – describe your journey?

I was part of the 2003 Talent Identifcation Programme. Diving coaches from the local club came to primary schools in the city to do some basic testing and assess if we could be part of the diving training scheme. From there I fell in love with the sport and the community at Sheffield Diving. I haven’t looked back since! 

- What do you love most about your sport?

Friends! I have so many friends all over the world! 

I also like the hard work. At times it is very frustrating but I enjoy the graft and with the support of my friends and coaches it’s always worth it.

- Favourite skill? From my competition list 5152B (forward 2 1/2 somersaults 1 twist). My all time favourite dive is a 401a (inward dive straight) off any board! 

- What is you biggest achievement?

Being Ireland’s first ever international diving medalist. I was in Singapore at the Fina Grand Prix where I achieved two personal bests and a second place finish only behind the Chinese competitor, Huang Xiaohui.

- What do you want to achieve in your sport?

Just to know that I put my everything into each session and each competition... then I can never ask for anymore. 

In my spare time this year I have really enjoyed Pilates. I had done a few classes pre covid but it’s been a great switch off activity for me.

I have been really lucky to travel a lot. But I think my most memorable was travelling the Caribbean on one of the worlds largest cruise ships performing in aqua shows! 

The accomplishment Im most proud of is returning to international competition and achieving more than I or many people thought was possible. 

If I had a superpower I would love to be able to fly! You get super cool views, you don’t have to wait in traffic, you can go anywhere you want! 

I am really bad at learning languages. I have tried to learn Spanish again but I’m just so rubbish. 

I could eat toast every day. It’s brilliant. And the thing I miss when I’m away from home! 

Most used emoji 😂. Also my life motto... a day without laughter is a day wasted! 

Most famous people I have met are sports people... I was lucky to win a writing competition in 2008 so I went to Beijing Olympics as a junior reporter.

I met athletes like Beth Tweddle, James Cracknel, Daley Thompson, Rebecca Addlington.

Swim 5.jpg


Lexie Clarke 12 years old

Crystal Palace Diving Club

  • I am currently a competitive diver and Womens Artistic gymnastic training in both sports for over 25 hours a week. I am also at secondary school. I compete nationally in gymnastics and love my current floor routine as it has amazing choreography and music.

  • I started diving age 8 and was fast tracked in the dive talent programme. I am in England Z camp squad and have just competed in my first British Junior Elite competition winning 2 silver medals.

  • I love diving as I really enjoy the challenge of learning new dives and the satisfaction when they get better and I start to rip them! There is always progress and perfection to be made.

  • I really want to achieve my maximum potential and hopefully get to compete at international level one day 🤞

  • My favourite dive is 614 (arm stand double) off 7m but I’m excited to move my dives up to 10m.

  • My least favourite dive is currently 303c reverse 1.5 off 3m as I ve landed flat and winded myself a few times! 😣


  • What is your personal motto? My personal motto is ‘ it’s not about the taking part it’s about the winning!’ I said this at a young age and as an individual competitive athlete it makes sense to me.

  • Who is your idol? Simone Biles is my idol as she is totally inspirational. She’s won 32 Olympic & World Championship medals. She shows perfection and uniqueness when competing. 🤸‍♀️

  • What is your most memorable travel experience? When I was 7 I was lucky enough to travel to Disney World, Florida with my family. I had a brilliant time and loved everything but swimming with the dolphins at Discovery Cove was so amazing.

  • If you could possess a superpower what would it be? My superpower would be the ability to fly but I really am petrified of birds so I would keep out of their way. I would love to feel free and not sit in traffic jams getting to training.

  • If you could only eat 1 thing for the rest of your life what would it be? Smashed avocado on sourdough toast…delicious 😋

  • Have you met anyone famous? I’ve met Tom Daley and also Chelsea FC team as I’ve been a mascot at Stamford Bridge.

  • What is something people don’t know about you? I am a Virgo and I totally have all the traits! Ambitious, perfectionist, love to organise,naturally cautious so can sometimes seem fussy and shy, hard working and overly modest.

  • What is something you have done but will never do again? Eaten cold octopus on holiday in Portugal as I didn’t know what it was ….disgusting!


Abby Cass

I’m 19 years old from Newcastle and dive at Age Group/Masters level for Sunderland City Dive Team. I’m currently studying BSc Sport and Exercise Science at Sunderland University. I work as a lifeguard, executive hospitality waitress at a football stadium, diving coach and am a MSO at the Covid-19 test centre, as well as volunteer with St John’s Ambulance to give out Covid vaccinations.

What got you into the sport – describe your journey in the sport?

  • I initially started off diving at a small pool in Newcastle when I was 9 years old, where I was intrigued when spotting a young girl practicing in her session. The pool I was training at had to close down their only diving board, where my coach at the time recommended moving to Sunderland Aquatic Centre to train. I joined the club there in August 2012 when I was 10 years old and have progressed through my diving journey ever since.

What do you love most about your sport?

  • My sport gives me the ability to learn new and challenging skills, and by doing so fulfils my desire to better myself both mentally and physically.

What is your biggest achievement?

  • My biggest achievement is becoming Northumberland and Durham champion for consecutive years on both the 1m and 3m springboard.

General Qs/Fun Facts:

What are your biggest pet peeves?

  • My biggest pet peeve is mess, I hate an untidy room and always have to have my stuff placed in a certain way.

What is a goal you want to accomplish in the next year?

  • My main goal is to complete my first year of uni with a First overall in my modules, and keep up training hard in the gym alongside revising.

What is your personal motto?

  • My personal motto would be “omnia causa fiunt”, which is Latin for “everything happens for a reason”.

If you could possess one superpower, what would it be and why?

  • I think the superpower I would possess would be to be able to read people’s minds.

What is something that you’re really bad at?

  • I am VERY bad at singing, I will definitely not be going on X Factor any time soon haha.

Have you ever met anyone famous?

  • I have met lots of the current and old Newcastle United football players as I have served them whilst working at one of the dining experiences that was held at St James’ Park.

If you could learn anything what would it be?

  • I would love to learn to surf! 

How do you define success?

  • I define success as a personal achievement; being the best you can be and loving the journey you take to reach that.